If you are a seamstress and are willing to sew modest clothing for others, please let me know!!

I am updating the links on my website... www.covered4him.com and I am going to create a little area with links for not just those who have a site or store, but any seamstress willing to sew modest clothing for others. Basically I am making a little advertisement area for seamstresses for this particular niche.

You might wonder why I am doing this. I am only willing to sew coverings at this point as I don't want to make the time and monetary commitment clothing requires. However, folks often ask me where they can find seamstresses who will sew custom modest dresses. I am most often asked for plus size sewing needs especially.
 So if you want to be listed, give me the necessary detail. Keep it to a few sentences, but make sure you give me your email/contact information. If I have missed any of you in the regular links area and you already have a relevant/related website or store, please let me know on those as well. Thanks!
