Updated the sale pages with some pictures

Sorry y'all.  I know I haven't uploaded any videos or posts in a couple of days.  This weekend was busy.  Yesterday I spent all day sewing and working on orders.  Today after we got home from church I have sat plopped in a chair going through hard drives looking for photo archives of past veils and bonnets I sewed.  I found most things.  So I was able to put up more photo samples for those who are not familiar with my past sewing items.

I also split the sale page and made a page for veils and a page for bonnets/kapps.  That should hopefully help the photo load times.

I tentatively tested the PayPal buttons, so hopefully, things are looking a little better.  This week I had to tweak the colors on the site due to the PayPal buttons having a white background.  My site's text had been white, so that didn't work!! LOL  I was baffled, wondering why my buttons didn't have text.  They did, it was just camouflaged in.  Anyway, after a good deal of blog work, I think I have things functioning....and visible.

If you find errors with PayPal buttons, if you happen to be trying to order, please let me know.  I can only do a limited amount of testing with it as it sees me as the seller.  LOL

I appreciate all of the interest I have had in my sewing.  Hopefully, folks will find what they are looking for.  If you find I still haven't added something you miss, please let me know. 

One major item is the stretch lace veils I sewed before.  I do not have any of that lace in stock right now and it isn't available locally.  So eventually I plan to save up for an order of those supplies again.  As soon as I get that back in, I will make a point to post about it.  Those were very popular in the past.

Have a blessed day!!!

 Below are a few of the covering pictures I uploaded today.



